1. session to discuss mechanisms to sustain initiatives to improve maternal health in Niger state, scheduled for March 8, 2010 at the Hydro Hotel Minna.
  2. The Alumni Network creation meeting of the Niger state champions on reproductive health at Hydro Hotel Minna on March 23, 2001.
  3. 3-days Leadership Development Forum in Reproductive Health at the NIPSS at Kuru, 11th May 2009.
  4. Memorandum of understanding between the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies and the Development Research and Project Center, Kano held at NIPSS Kuru. Sept 2006.
  5. A 3-Day Training Workshop on the theme – Using and Teaching Participatory Method in Gender Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights Program from the 19th – 23rd April, 2010.
  6. Baseline Survey Partnership for Advocacy Individual and Family Health (PACFah) in Nigeria) on February 2015.
  7. Training fellowship for Senior Public Servants in Health Policy and Financing at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, October 4th to 7th, 2015.
  8. Leadership Training Program on Child and Family Health on 10th November, 2014.
  9. Capacity Building for Nigerian CSOs to complement the Health SDG 3-Strategies best practices and lessons learnt for Nigerian government, international partner and NGO led projects in the 10th season of the African Economic Conference held in Kinshasa in November, 2015.
  10. The 2nd Leadership Development for Civil Education training workshop for education policy makers on the 28th of August, 2016.
  11. Memorandum of understanding between the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru and the development Partners Resource Centre (dPRC) April, 2016.
  12. Training fellowship for senior public servants in health policy and training held on the 4th – 7th October 2016
  13. Program for the executive leadership and management for senior civil servants working in girls education programming in Northern GPE states, held on 19th December 2016 to 21st December 2016.
  14. A meeting with Alumni of NIPSS Senior Civil Servants in Health Training to discuss budget performance of the health budget 13th April, 2017 in Abuja, National Institute of Legislative Studies (NILS).
  15. Policy dialogue on 25th September in Abuja on the theme- Government and NGOs working together for improved secondary Education and Girls protecting: Best practices and what works held at the Bolton White Hotel, 7 Gwandu streets opposite Sahad Stores Area 11, Garki 2, Abuja. 25th September 2017.
  16. Collaboration on child and family health policy, support for NIPSS to conduct a study on community health as community security in Kaduna state. From 11th March to 24th May, 2018.
  17. Training on using data for effective child and family Health policy making and training for senior civil servants organized by the DRPC from 2nd – 4th of May 2018 at the Blue Cabana Executive Conference Hall, Abuja.
  18. Collaboration on the 3rd Annual Capacity Building Training for Senior Health Sector (civil servants from 2nd to 4th of May, 2018 at the Blue Cabana Hotel, Mabuishi, Abuja.

One-Day Policy Dialogue on Government/CSO alignment on state work plan on R1, PHCUOR, FP and CKD, August 2018.