Director of ICT

Mr. Isaiah Olayode Ojebisi


Isaiah Olayode Ojebisi is the Head of ICT in NIPSS, appointed the Head of ICT in November 2019. Before his appointment, he was a Program Analyst (System Analyst/Administrator) and senior Staff of NIPSS. The appointment of Isaiah Olayode Ojebisi as Head of ICT has brought about numerous ideas for transforming the ICT in NIPSS. Isaiah Olayode Ojebisi holds a Bachelor of Computer Science; and Master of Science degree in Information Technology (IT) and currently undergoing a PhD in Computer Science.

Furthermore, he has several IT courses/training and certification, some of which include: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)Training, Web Development, Programming (Visual Basic, Java, C, C++, Python), and CompTIA A+ Certification. He is a member of the Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) and a member of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS).

In addition, Isaiah Olayode Ojebisi is a technology enthusiast, who plays and watches Tennis.