The Directorate of Research is mandated, to organize and carry out, on an interdisciplinary basis in intellectual support of those charged with making and implementing policy for Nigeria, in-depth research into the social, economic, political, security, scientific, cultural and other problems facing the country, and to formulate and present, in usable form, the available options for their solution. this, no doubt is derived from the Institute’s mandate which is “to serve as a high-level Center of reflection, research, and dialogue where academics of intellectual excellence, policy initiators and executors and other citizens with a high level of practical experience and wisdom drawn from different sectors of national life in Nigeria would meet to reflect and exchange ideas on the great issues of society, particularly as they relate to Nigeria and Africa, in the context of the dynamics of a constantly changing world.”

The Directorate is headed by Professor Dung Pam Sha who is the Director of Research.
Professor Sha was born on September 18, 1959 at Kuru, present day Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State. He is the Director of Research at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Jos, Nigeria. He is a Professor of Political Economy and Development Studies of the University of Jos and a Fulbright Fellow.
Sha started his educational career at the Church of Christ Primary School, Kuru in 1966 and graduated in 1972. He proceeded to the prestigious Gyel Commercial College, Bukuru, in 1973 and obtained his West African School Certificate in 1977. He immediately joined the School of Preliminary Studies, Keffi, 1978 –1979 and obtained the Interim joint Matriculation Exam Certificate in 1979 which qualified him for admission into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Political Science in 1982 and served the nation under the NYSC program at the School of Social and Rural Development Kano, Kano State. Prof. Sha enrolled for a Master of Science degree in Political Economy and Development Studies at the University of Jos in 1983 and graduated in 1985. He also obtained a PhD in 2004 from same University.
Prof. Sha has considerable experience in the administration of institutions of higher learning but particularly the University system where he has spent a substantial part of his life. He joined the Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi in 1985 as Lecturer III, later promoted to Lecturer I and doubled as a Head of Department of Administration and Government Procedures. He was persuaded to join the University of Jos which he did as Lecturer II in 1991 and became Lecturer I in 1995, promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1999, Reader in 2002 and a Professor in 2007.
He has been Head of Department of Political Science, University of Jos, the Deputy Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, the Deputy Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Jos, Director, Office of Research and Development, University of Jos. He was a member of the University of Jos Governing Council.
He has supervised undergraduate and postgraduate students. Five of his PhD students have defended and more are awaiting defence. Sha has served as Editor-in-Chief, Associate editor, editor, member of 8 journals spread across the Federal, State and Private Universities in Nigeria. He has served as Visiting Professor to Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria 2007-2008, Foreign Affairs Academy, Badagry, Lagos, 2008 – 2011; Plateau State University, Bokkos Plateau State – January 2013 – date, and Uganda Martyrs University, Kampala Uganda – March 2015.
He has served Master and PhD students at the Nigerian Defence College Abuja, National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru; Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi; Federal University, Dutsen Ma, Katsina State; Gombe State University; Bayero University Kano, Nigeria; University of Calabar, Nasarawa State University Keffi; Benue State University, Makurdi, University of Ibadan and University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He has assessed about more than 10 Nigerian academics for promotion to the rank of either Reader/Associate Professorship or for Professorship across federal, state and private Universities in the country.
Professor Sha belongs to the following national and international academic professional associations: Nigerian Political Science Association; Nigerian Society of International Affairs (NSIA); African Studies Association -United States (ASA); African Association of Political Science (AAPS); American Political Science Association (APSA); Fulbright Alumni Association of Nigeria (FAAN); American Studies Association (ASA) Nigeria; Associate Member, Association of Peace Studies of Nigeria; Member, West African Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) and Member, International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) London, UK.
Professor Sha’s major research areas include, governance and democratization Studies, state and development, identity and tolerance politics; informal sector and development, and labour Studies. He has undertaken more than 30 researches either as an individual, for the University, government, civil society, international organisations.
Professor Sha has more than 57 publications either in Journals, chapters in books, books, conference proceedings, research reports and is read around the world. He has attended more than 30 national and international Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and expert meetings
Professor Sha has travelled widely either for academic conferences, international research meetings, meetings of professional bodies, fellowship to the United States, Mexico, Senegal, South Africa, Egypt, India, Vietnam, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Norway, Czech Republic, Ghana, and the UK. Others include Tanzania, Sierra Leone, China and Nepal, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia etc. Prof Sha is married and blessed with 3 Children.