NIPSS Director General Extends Easter Blessings: Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ

NIPSS Director General Extends Easter Blessings: Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ

NIPSS Director General Extends Easter Blessings: Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ

🌟 Sing Hallelujah! The Lord is Risen! 🌟

On this glorious occasion of Easter, we raise our voices in jubilation as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Let the heavens echo with our joyful proclamation: "He's risen! Hallelujah!"

As we gather in reverence and gratitude, the management and staff of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies extend heartfelt Easter greetings to all our Christian brothers and sisters around the world.

Easter holds profound significance for believers, reminding us of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for the redemption of humanity. His selfless act on the cross paved the way for our salvation, offering hope, forgiveness, and eternal life to all who believe.

In this sacred season, let us reflect on the profound love and mercy of our Savior. His sacrifice exemplifies the depth of God's love for each one of us, demonstrating unparalleled compassion and grace.

As we commemorate the death and resurrection of Christ, let us embrace the transformative power of His atonement. May His sacrifice not only cleanse us of our sins but also inspire us to live lives of purpose, compassion, and service to others.

On behalf of the entire management and staff of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, I extend warmest Easter wishes to you and your families. May the spirit of Easter fill your hearts with joy, peace, and renewed hope.


Prof. Ayo Omotayo

Director General

National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru